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Geographics Humans Paperback

  • Views: 3263
  • Publisher: B Small
  • Kode Produk: ACT
  • Poin Reward: 5000
  • Ketersediaan: 1
  • Berat : 0.20kg
  • Rp100.000
  • Harga dalam poin reward: 100000
Book Detail
Format Cover Paperback
ISBN 9781911509875
Publication Date 01 Feb 2019
Author Susan Martineau
Range Age 6+
Size 21.8 x 2.5 x 0.3 cm
Page 24
Explore the human geography of our world! From languages to population growth, a curious history of fascinating facts and figures is now at your fingertips. What you learn might just stay with you for the rest of your life. The wide world awaits!

Tags/penandaan: Geology, Biology, Science Activity